All that is necessary for you to have your purchases counted toward a quarterly check for our church is to link your Kroger Rewards card to our churches account. This can be accomplished by going to a computer clicking here. Once there select “I Am A Customer” from the choice and follow the prompts. IF you do not have a Rewards Account you will need to create one.
You will also need to know the Community Rewards Number for St. Andrew United Methodist Church along with either your Kroger Rewards Card Number or your phone number (if it is linked to your Kroger card). The account number for St. Andrew is SC961. Linking your card to the Community Rewards program will have NO IMPACT on your Kroger Fuel Rewards.
Future purchases will begin to credit Community Rewards Dollars, donated by Kroger, to the St. Andrew account. Then once a quarter, Kroger will mail a Community Rewards check to our church. FREE MONEY, wow and it only takes less than 5 minutes of your time.